An Interview thee Mighty Miley Serious, DJ and 99cts label owner/curator April 2020

Who are you and what do you want?

So I’m Miley Serious, i’m a DJ, resident on Rinse and part of Killekill Berlin. I have my label called 99CTS Records (tapes and zines label), I’ve been in the « scene » for a moment but I’m able to live only through music for almost 4 years now. So what i want is just to live my life like that and to focus on my projects. And also I just want to hang out with communities that i love and to learn about them.

Rote question but I have to ask why Miley Serious?

Np, it was a joke ten years ago, I had to find a new alias to dj and it was during this witch house era, if you remember it was mainly about changing the name of pop star into fun, so I ended with Miley Serious one night. lol that’s it.

When did you start DJ'ing and what drew you to it?

I started 12 years ago with my best friend, I was in some bands before that but I was discovering electro and techno at this time, I sold some of my gears to buy turntables and vinyls, it started like that, I wanted to try something new. My love for digging and spinning was so real that it never stopped. I don’t remember what drew me exactly, but just to find the right tracks, right combination of stuff, idk i loved it and i still love it, same feeling forever.

You are into a wide array ov musick what are tips to listen to in the following 'genres'?

First of all, not a surprise but more you listen to music more you define your taste and what you like, drums, type of recordings, guitars, vocals, etc.. I was, for a long time, really hard with music, I’ve changed on it, but I know why I don’t like some stuff , for real. So...

Hardcore : I usually start with a band I like then I look at their references, I dig the scene and community around it. I also look at the venues hosting hxc shows, in Hardcore the spirit always match with the music its often like that, so always interesting to look at the line up and events. And what I like the most in hxc are CHORUS, when its super « united », I go often into this kind of band as Jesus Piece, Dog Breath..

Black metal : I started with the classics, I had good friends showing me the way to listen to Black Metal also and after some years i knew that i was more into ambient black metal, dungeon synth.. I dig a lot thru bandcamp, forums or blogs to know what’s new in the scene. Metal fans are really good at writing reviews.

Techno : soundcloud for sure, i’m not a beatport or juno person, i’m not a vinyl collector either, like not at all, so for me, it goes with the feeling. I can spend nights from link to link, i’m super picky in term of techno so my selection is fast but it take me hours. I love to really go deep into this soundcloud world or bandcamp or yt, also i’m lucky to have good mates sharing me a ton of releases.

Hip Hop : same here i’m picky, I love certain type of sound, I’m mainly into NYC or Memphis type shit. I mean it also makes connection to where i come from, there is a common thing. So for Hip hop, i look at my fav artists and dig into their references, crews and culture around it. Really important for me to know the meaning of a scene, where they come from etc.


How did you hook up with Rinse FM? Whats some memorable guest mixes you've had on?

When I moved to Paris, one of the boss of the radio ( Azamat B) asked me to be his guest on his show, it went well I guess so after few months he was like, are you down to be a resident ? It happened like that. RINSE FRANCE became a real support to me, a real family since 2017. It feels good to be part of a community radio, with people who are curious and open minded. I’m now on Rinse UK as well, and that’s the cherry on top. To be honest i loved all of my guests, but the Mutant Joe, Wojavelli from Cold war, Dj Warzone, Swordsmith ones.. were particularly good. Uuurgh, hard to chose, I always enjoy all the guest mix.

Top 3 places to DJ?

Manchester first, China for sure, Griessmuehle in Berlin was a fuckin good club, best daytime set I had, RIP.
 Netherlands, Denver… hard to decide.

How's the 'scene' in France atm (well seperate to the virus lockdown)? 

A lot of things going on actually. But to be honest, I didn’t spend enough time in France last year to look at the parties etc.. but yeah the underground is cool, specially in small cities, this is where I feel good when I play. Nantes, Clermont Ferrand, Brest.. when people just want to build the best sound system and the best night and don’t care about the cool Parisian attitude.

How is the lockdown atm?

I don’t complain about it cause it doesn’t change from my daily routine, only my week ends are different now but, I don’t miss clubs so much. I don’t miss watching a ton of Dj stories neither. I’m thinking a lot about when it will come back to normal. I prefer to tour for like long period than to rush every week ends. I feel more comfortable with long tour, weird maybe but I love the idea to be far for a moment, then to re connect and rest, then back at it.
Meanwhile, I’m working on my blog, I listen to a lot of music, I watch documentaries and connect with people way more cause I have time, no money atm to put in release for the label, but everything is ready.

Any weird, interesting stories from DJ'ing and yr travels? (one day i need to tell you about the clappy man, unrelenting ecstasy dude, and the lumpen hippies from my times in France)

lol the clappy man, fuck him, I HATE THAT... I have so many stories about a clappy man in front of the booth, but S.Ruston killed me with her story about the bongo man AND the sax man coming to a club while she was playing in Bristol or Brighton, I don’t remember exactly, omg laughing so much while writing that. But weird stories.. I don’t think so, people fuckin in the club is pretty normal so..

Where's my doo rag, did you forget lol?

Ahah your du-rag is on my desk, right next to me.
You will have it right after the lockdown, on time for your summer look


You run a great tape label 99cts, what made you want to start a label? What artists have you released so far and whats next? also towels?

I am not a producer and I don’t want to. Being a DJ is to look at music 24/7, so having my own label made more sense to me than making music. I also have a huge passion for objects, collection, so I wanted my label to be the thing that allows me to produce my dream merch ( thats why i make Zine and thats why the last release comes with a towel ahah) and so to start my own world of collection.
7 releases are already out on the label : Pulsum, Codeless et Alter D, Ole Mic Odd, Grey People, Dj Ketaflush, Drvg Cvltvre & Machino, Kazuho.. I have the next two ones ready and I can’t wait.
One from Australia, one from Scotland .

Fave zines? Any more zines by your own self coming?

Yours definitely, and then many underground one, i buy zines i find out on the moment or when i go to shops. I really want to take time to make more zine for sure, i guess the world will be slow now so it’s the right time.

The world is black and white for a moment and you have to chose between the following...

Coke or Pepsi : coke for sure

Mayhem or Darkthrone : hard to chose. Darkthrone.

Tommy Wright or 3 6 Mafia : uuuurrrghh. seriously.. rn 3.6.

Ecstacy or Acid : XTC

There are so many French free party crews, Whats yr thoughts on Frenchcore and Hard tek? 

Im 31 so when i was younger free party were so big, my brother was going to free parties or was listening to hardtek too. Hardtek is such a french sound, the best for me. If i’m proud of something from France, it’s really this scene. Thats a fuckin community thing, people being passionate , into sound systems, in my opinion, it’s the best and the last real DIY scene that is still alive in France. It took me a long time to understand the meaning and why it was so good to, when you start to listen to techno, even if you come from the hxc scene, it’s different, people act different but the sound became more understandable with years. Same as drum n bass for example. There is this french production that you can tell when you listen to hardtek specially.

You also run a vintage clothing thing, what got you into that? Any old Adidas tracksuits I'm looking (black or blue)?

When I moved from my mum’s house I was 16 and discovered what was vintage and thrift stores in Toulouse (south of france). I guess it comes from the same obsession to collect stuff. I love to digg, i love fashion anyway, so to look at clothes, to know the year, who was wearing it, also to link with some era or with my idols wearing some special pieces was like a thing. And one day, one of the boss from one of the shops came and asked me: yo do you want to work for me cause you always in my shops, so i dropped school and everything started for real.
ATM no Adidas,  I'm pretty slow on vintage rn I had other stuff to buy and you should see my flat dude...

Whats next for Miley Serious (after the apocolypse)?

I don’t think we will go back to normal, but I hope to tour again, to build more with the label and I want to be back in the US for the tour that didn’t exist, i want to meet people from cities that inspire me.
I want to be way more into small shows too. I dream a lot about what it could be now and how I see me in the scene, but now I have to make it happen when this lockdown will be over..

Ok if you could have dinner with 3 people from history (any era, alive or dead) who would they be and why?

Calimity Jane, for sure, I love her story, the era and what she is.
Liam Gallagher cause he is my hero, and he is anyway part of the History. Biggest legend.
And hmmm.. Ted Bundy. Yes him. Look at this table, how it’s going to be fun.

s/o Clan Destine records, best label and person xx

99cts Bandcamp

Miley Serious Soundcloud

Miley's supa dupa blog


  1. Certain people have flavour .Certain people have freedom of expression . You are one of them .I think Kurt Cobain would have done a elecktro album "Come as you are " Dream Dream dream! Milley R - U Serious .....@#23 loves _e_......Looking forward to what you do next


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